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Christina Clonts

Briana my love,


Why can't I come to terms w/ you being gone? This is just killing me, I never could have imagined this happening to you and I just can't understand it. Briana I'm going to miss you more than words could ever explain. This just isn't getting any easier.

Everything we've been through together was amazing, beyond words! Im so grateful for all the wonderful memories we made, and for you ALWAYS being by my side. You always lit up the room regardless of your mood, and more importantly ensured that I had a smile on my face no matter what. You were the best friend anyone could ask for, and honestly I'm going to miss you more and more each day!


What will I do without your phone calls, e-mails, text messages just to say Hi and I love n miss you? What will I do without our sleepovers? Whos gonna wake up w/ me on the weekends and be my shopping buddy?! Who am I supposed to talk to for hours about nothing and instantly feel better because it was always you who put a smile on my face? 

I'm hurting so bad, but I'm happy you're free now and will try to only focus on the beautiful memories we had and not about the questions I have for why you're gone.


You will forever and ever be in my heart and I love you to the moon and back Baby Girl



I know Right!

Good Times!

Thats Fun!

420 Baby!



Elisha Parker
Oh Briana, Briana! I will never forget all of the times we spent together!! I will miss your laugh sooo much! I'm so thankful that I can hear it in my head when I think about you! So many great memories, I don't even know where to begin! I could fill a page with all the wonderful ways you touched my life!! You will never be forgotten and will always live in our hearts!! Thank you sooo much for always being such a great friend to me and to everyone! We were all so blessed to be touched by you! I love you sooo much Briana!!! XOXOXOXOXO
Renee Marez-Korn
Briana, Memories, Where do they start? Where do they end? We have so many We have laugh together, we have cried together, we picked each other up when we were down. I think I miss the most that phone call at 4 and 5 am. "Hey Little Momma, Hey Baby girl. little momma will you come pick us up?" And there I would go out to find you, Jeanne, Derek, Tim, and who ever thought they could hang with you that night. What I would do for one more phone call, one more laugh one more cry, Just another hug. I love you Briana. Spread your wings and FLY!!!
Lacey Taschdjian

Oh B, what can I say? In the last 15 years we have gone through good times and hard times, but we did it together. With you by my side, I felt like I could survive anything and now I really don't know what to think. You made it a personal mission to make everything you touch become more beautiful, including my life. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, I love you endlessly, but you already knew that...

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