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Tolif and Boleyn Martin

Briana, we can't believe your gone.  From just hanging out, to being at the bar, and my bachellorette party, I always had fun with you.  You were such an awesome person, friend, sister, and mother.

Jeff Broome
I feel so sorry for everyone's loss of Briana. She was a wonderful person and a special human being. I know my daughter Christina Clonts was so close to Briana. I admire her resolve to walk with Briana's memories "ever gentle on her mind." Briana did my wife's hair when we married September 23, 2005. Briana will always have a special place in our hearts.
Bryan and Beckie

Mamma Briana,


We love and miss you so very much!  Thank you for always taking care of Bryan when I couldn't be there, especially when his grandpa died! I know he misses you terribly mamma and so do I.   I miss seeing your face light up when you saw Ethan's!!!  You truly changed both of our lives; you were an amazing, strong, beautiful and loving woman who will never be forgotten!!  You filled our hearts with warmth and love!!!  We both have enough great memories of you to last us a lifetime!! You were always a blast to be with and you will be greatly missed.    







P.S. We are still going to teach your boy to ride too :) 

Teisha Olson
Oh F....I have so many good memories of her...funny ones, dramatic ones, and just plain good ones.  I think the funniest moment was during New Years at my Office Ho's and CEO's party.  Briana (as you all know drew her eyebrows on) well she accidently rubbed them off so I tried to help her draw them back on with this orangish eyebrow color pencil...drunk...needless to say it was pretty crooked.  I will always remember too when everyone says we look like each other...they always kept saying..."oh I thought you were Briana (to me), or "oh I thought you were Teisha (to Briana)".  Oh and I always was the one who gave her a ride home from Christina's house on my way home so we had some good chats then too.....mostly about her crazy love life :)  Finally, she was just a person who knew damn well who she was...for example, I would get drunk and call her Bri....she about knocked me out the couple times I said that lol...she would say to me "Don't call me Bri...Bri is a name for those stupid ho's...call me Ana or B...and ever since the second time I called her Bri---I finally just called her B lol.  So B....I love ya bud... I will miss you LOTS!!!!!

what am i going to do without you? everydayi wake up hoping that when i wake up that u will be upstairs waiting to smoke with me. but the reality hits me and i lose you all over again. i will be here for malikiah and derek like i have promised you in our many converstions before.

 well you always said i wouldn't leave colorado and boy have you made sure of that.lol i just wish you were here with me. i miss you more and more as every minute passes. you will forever be with me no matter where lifes journey takes me and you....   I LOVE YOU ALL MY HUGS,KISSES AND DREAMS forever you will be there.. Rana

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